Saturday, March 31, 2012

Slighting People

Even when we don't mean to, we slight the people we love. I am in deep trouble for offering a mutual friend my husband's help when he was in bed. He doesn't like to be told what to do. Who does? He just wanted to be asked instead of relied upon.

Here's the bad part: I wouldn't have relied on him, neither would my friend have, had he proven in the past not to be so reliable. I was planning on asking him, but I have gotten so forgetful lately. He says he is the last one in the family to ever know what is going on or is planned. That could be true sometimes, but not always.

Okay, so I will accept responsibility for making my long-time hubby upset. However, I will not put up with his behavior of trying to make me feel bad when he knew about the favor my friend (who is also his friend) needed this weekend. He was asked and he said yes. If he didn't want to help after all, just say that and leave it at that. No problems. The problems arise when he takes no responsibility for his own choices and makes me or my friend be responsible for his choices. No one, not even me, can make hubby do what hubby doesn't want to do.

This is time for a change, dear. This behavior is old and obnoxious and so like your father or your brother. CUT IT OUT!!! It is not endearing or cute. Just because I tell you I think your ass is cute, does not make it okay to act like an ass!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Unable to write...

I have a new affliction and have been unable to write for a few weeks now. This affliction is one that affects hundreds of thousands of people. People who have this affliction have a tendency to sign on to Facebook and other social web sites at all hours of the day and night; they play multiple games online and wonder why they can't have so much good luck in real life; they dream about these games which makes them wake up after only two hours and start the process of gaming again. I have this affliction and have not blogged for about two weeks. I am sure there are several others like me, so we can do one of two things. One: We can refuse to be a party to this affliction and limit the time we spend online and also the days we sign on to these social websites. Or, two: We can accept our affliction and continue playing online games while the hundreds of thousands of people band together to be sure our plight is not taken for granted. Please band with me and play as many games as you can on those social websites. Maybe we will run into each other and we can chat while we play. Maybe my novel will eventually get written so that I may publish it. In the meantime, though, I think I will stop typing this blog and go back to Words With Friends or Bingo or Slots or ...