Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve

Ever since I was in sixth grade, I have enjoyed going Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve. I love to watch people who know that whatever they find will be what their loved one wants. And, I also love to watch the people who don't understand that LOVE is the reason for the season and JUST HAVE to HAVE a certain present or they won't be as accepted as the person who only finds what they think will be received with love.

So, because I have very little money and have no choice but to wait for the very last minute in my shopping, I still find joy in watching others and I do my best to find the presents that will show my loves that I truly LOVE them. This year I was only able to buy two presents for each of my children, my husband, my grandchild, and son-in-law. Now, I know that may sound depressing, but when I shop with LOVE in my heart, I feel very lucky to be able to get something my loved ones wanted or needed, but will use and think of me when they do.

One thing that was different for me on this year's venture was the realization that I, too, am deserving of the LOVE I want to show to those in my life. I bought myself two presents, as well. I wrapped them knowing I would LOVE receiving each gift and that I would use each gift knowing that I LOVE MYSELF! I am not a selfish person and I feel no guilt in what I have done. I gave myself a chance to LOVE myself and I SO DO!

Please, do something for the one person who really needs and deserves your LOVE! DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF THIS SEASON AND LOVE YOURSELF! In this way, you are not only providing your self love from yourself, but ensuring that your spirit can love the others in your life!

Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas
Happy Yule
Happy Festivus
Happy Hannukah
Happy Kwaanza
Whatever your holiday, BE HAPPY and LOVE everyone, including yourself!!!!

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