I have a fascination with death and I am sure I am not the only one.
I am not so interested in the cause of the death, but rather the result that follows it. I wonder where the person goes, is the person a spirit now or a piece of the collective energy constantly swirling in the universe until the energy takes on it's next form, or is the person just dead. Of course, we all know there are no easy answers to these questions, but still I ask them as do several hundred thousands of others.
I have answers to my questions ready in my own mind and, yes, I do believe these answers. I have walked several religious paths in my life only to find that they all are really just branches off the same path. Like when a person goes for a hike along a mountain trail and sees something through the trees that looks more interesting. We veer off the path and find a joy in the wild of the forest unexplored and untrampled by interloping humans. But, we have to return to the hiking path we were on so we do not get lost in the forest. Religion is like this.
So, I do believe that the body dies because our bodies can only last so long. Our spirit or energy, however, does escape our body (perhaps during our last breath) and dissipates into the rest of the energy in the atmosphere. This is where we meet God. This is where we become one with God. This is where we began and where we end. And, in the end, the words of my college science professor comes to mind (I am sure they are someone else's, but don't know who), "Keep your feet on the ground and your head in the skies because we are all just bits of star dust."
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